Nice day

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Brandon and Bill are delivering wheat to ADM in Evansville.  It’s such a pretty July day, about 83ºF (28C).  There are just a few puffy clouds in the brilliant blue sky.  The wheat looks great as it drops into the trailer.   It’s pretty nice to have some good-quality wheat to sell in the summertime.  We have delivered all the bushels that we had on forward contract, and the wheat market has dropped significantly in recent days.  But, still the price is above our cost/bushel, so we will be content with what we still have yet to sell.

Here you see the wheat being loaded into the Volvo that Bill likes to drive…


We still have the combines to get washed up after wheat harvest, and the tractors after double-crop soybean (DCB) planting.   We are considering adding a full-time employee to the team here ahead of fall harvest.  It’s been quite a while since we’ve had someone on staff, and we will be developing the job description and compensation package.  Again, we are praying for God to send us just the right person to fit into our team.

We are delighted with the way that the DCB are coming up through the wheat stubble.  It seems that the rains, though limited, have been just enough to get the little beans off to a good start.  When they were planted, the soil was hard as concrete, but that made it better for the air drill to slice through the straw and get the seed into the soil.   It’s not perfect, but in reality, the stand is pretty good.  PTL!

Off to a good start!

Our county fair runs through next week.  It is billed as the “oldest county fair in the US”.  I don’t know if that is accurate, but it is a special event here in Knox County, Indiana.

So, we will enjoy this week with clear skies and mid-80s temperatures.

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1 Response to Nice day

  1. Don says:

    Oldest fair in Indiana!

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