Snowy Friday

January 12, 2018

Yes, we are getting snow today.  After yesterday’s high temperature of 60ºF (16C), it is now in the mid 20s, with snow coming down.  The precipitation began last night about 8pm with some heavy rain.  The temperatures plummeted to about 20, and the rain changed to sleet.  The main concern during the night was ice or freezing rain.  That didn’t occur, and much to our relief, the electric power stayed on without a hitch.  Today, the sleet has changed to snow.  We’ve received a couple inches so far–not enough to require the use of our snow blower.  We will see how long it comes down, and how much it blows and drifts.  In any event, we’re prepared to clear away snow if that becomes necessary.  I was out for a while this morning to visit the granddaughters, and to pick up a filter for John at the parts drop-off site in Wheatland.  The main roads, including US 50, are pretty snow-packed and slick.   It’s a good day to stay in by the fire.  No corn deliveries are needed until Monday, and that’s good news for today.

Early today, it was only sleet on the ground, not snow. But snow is coming down hard in the afternoon.

Not a ‘white-out’, but not mere flurries, either.

IN 550, west of Wheatland. Gotta go slow.

The recent sub-zero nights made for a good side-effect.  The strips of oats we planted last fall for our version of cover-crops are now turning brown as their growth has been stopped.   It is just as we had planned for it to go; now the growth will be adequate without getting too big.   It will make for good soil conservation, and more easily facilitate planting time this spring.

Those pretty, green strips of oats have had their growth stopped at just the right stage.

Speaking of planting, it’s only about 90 days away.  Be here before you know it.  Will we be ready?  You betcha… we will give it our best effort.

You want to really know how bad it is out there?  School was cancelled for today, but the biggest sign of bad weather is that the HS basketball game for tonight has been postponed to Monday, February 5.  No basketball?  Now that’s serious in SWIN!



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