Beauty of a day

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Wow, what a gorgeous day!  70ºF (21C)  Brilliant sunshine, and a few high, wispy clouds.  A gentle breeze is blowing.  These are helpful conditions when, like today, we need the soil to dry out.  After some field visits today, I’m thinking about a return to soybean planting on Thursday.  (I hate to admit it, but rain is predicted for tomorrow!).

John brought home the bush-hog and serviced it.  After planting is finished, I’ll spend many days on that duty.  I like the way the roadsides look when they’re mowed.  Brandon has delivered some corn to market today.  Corn inventory of the ’14 crop is running low.

62% of the soybean crop has been planted, and almost all of it is emerged and looking really good.  We are eager to get the other 38% in the ground!  There is still good potential for final yield, but it will be better to get planting finished this month.  If the weather cooperates, that will be possible.  I really need 5 or 6 days of running to complete planting.

The tractor and air drill wait for dry soil surfaces to return

The tractor and air drill wait for dry soil surfaces to return.  To see this machine in operation, check our YouTube site. 

Another good news item is that (so far) there is no need for any replanting!

So, we await dry and warm days to get that JD 9330 and the no-till drill going again.


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