Happy corn … happy farmer!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Woke up this morning to the sound of a gentle rain falling.  What a wonderful sound!  Last week’s higher temperatures (up to 90F) had brought good growth conditions to the corn and soybeans, but it also showed a tiny bit of moisture stress in some of the corn.  If we could choose an “ideal” temperature for corn and soybeans, it would be 85F  (29C).

Last night’s rain was an answer to prayers.  It was done by 930 this morning, and checking the gauge showed we received 1.1 inch (28mm)  It came gently, not in a downpour, so that it was possible to soak into the soil.  The corn is now accessing nitrogen, and deepening its healthy dark green color.  The soybeans are growing rapidly, too… with some of the earliest-planted beans now “closing” the 10-inch rows.

These corn stalks are in a rapid-growth stage.  Their roots are accessing the important nitrogen nutrient.  The color is becoming a deeper green.  Last night's rain was very helpful, you can still seed the beads of raindrops on the shiny leaves.

These corn stalks are in a rapid-growth stage. Their roots are accessing the important nutrient– nitrogen. The color is becoming a healthy, deeper green. Last night’s rain was very helpful, you can still seed the beads of raindrops on the shiny leaves.

So, the crops are ‘happy’, and that makes for a happy farmer!

Count your blessings….

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