Final prep, #Harvest15

Friday, September 11, 2015

Final steps for preparing for harvest are happening today.  Namely, the grain cart is being hooked up to the JD 9360R tractor.  It is stored in a back corner of the main storage shed, so many things must be rearranged to get that thing out and ready

We pulled this out of the storage barn with a forklift, but now the 9360R tractor will be connected.

We pulled this out of the storage barn with a forklift, but now the 9360R tractor will be connected.

When moving the CIH 8230 combine today, it started acting a bit crazy.  Upon analysis, John and Brandon discovered that the cables on the battery need to be cleaned and tightened.  Simple fix.

Brandon cleans and tightens the battery cables

Brandon cleans and tightens the battery cables

Even though it looks like rain today, the forecast for next week is for warm and dry days.  So, it looks like we’ll get started on Monday.

#Harvest15 is imminent.  Let the fun begin!

… … …

Much will be written and published on this 14th anniversary of that solemn day in 2001.  Of course, everyone remembers where they were and what they were doing when they heard about the attack.  For us, we were harvesting corn at the Harry Farm…on the most beautiful fall day you can imagine.  The sky was a brilliant blue, with not a cloud in sight.  The temperature was warm.  The corn was shelling nicely, with a good yield.  It was so very pleasant, I was just working along most of the morning, never even bothering to turn on the radio– just enjoying my work in that JD 9650 combine.    But when I finally did click on the radio, the news was shocking.

We can all remember that feeling we all shared, learning that  our country was under attack, and that many fellow Americans were losing their lives.   It was a sobering time.

We will never forget that day.

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