…beans continued…

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

It’s another dewy morning.  That delays the start of soybean harvest, because it must be ‘dry’ to cut soybeans… or at least to do it well.  But there are other things to do while we wait to run the combines.  The truckloads of beans that were filled after the elevator closed last evening will be delivered.  The combines fueled and air filters cleaned. The scale tickets from the previous day entered into the computer.

The combines sit quietly, waiting to roar into action later this morning.

The combines sit quietly, waiting to roar into action later this morning.

One truck has been unloaded at the market, and now waits for the first load of Wednesday.

One truck has been unloaded at the market, and now waits for the first load of Wednesday.

The weather is beautiful, and the forecast is the same.  We are grateful for these good days.

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