Two nights in a row

Thursday, August 22, 2019

During the night, we were awakened by strong booms of “rolling” thunder… that makes two nights in a row that we’ve had storms.  Tuesday night, we got lots of wind and .35″, and last night the wind was not so strong, but 1.04″ (26mm) rain came down.  So we are grateful for the rain.  As dad used to say, “This will just ruin those little soybeans.  It will make big ones out of them!”  So, yes… it should add bushels to the soybean fields… and perhaps to the late corn fields, too.

The weather folks are predicting more rain this afternoon/evening.

The morning is a bit cooler, and that is pleasant.  All in all, a happy day at Carnahan & Sons.

1Thess 5:18