Another rainy day

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Yes, we got more rain today.  Not a lot, but it doesn’t take a lot to keep the already-saturated ground soggy.  This will put off more planting until probably next week.  I need 3 good days’ worth of work to finish off the soybean planting, and Brandon can probably finish off the corn in 1 1/2 or 2 days.  But it may take 3 weeks to get those days in!   It’s gonna take several hot and dry days just to let us re-start the planters.   Oh, well… it’s still okay.  There will be an opportunity to do what we gotta do.  It’ll work out all right.

Evidence that it has been a rainy couple weeks. Standing spots of water, but thankfully no large drowned-out areas…yet.

In the meanwhile, we can enjoy the blooms of our peonies that are at their peak.  Pat has cut some of them and brought them in the house to decorate… and they smell really good, too!

These lovely blooms are from peony bushes that once graced my Grandma Rose Carnahan’s yard. I can remember how she cared for rows and rows of them back in the 1950s and 60s.

Brandon has used these wet days to haul away some of remaining 2023-crop corn from our bins.  John has been busy with the install of a pivoting unloader spout on our older JD S780 combine.

First, he removed the existing fixed-position spout

The new, adjustable spout hangs on the end of the unloader auger.

Once the new spout is installed, there is a myriad of electrical brain boxes, and wiring harnesses to route in all the correct spaces.  It turned into a bigger job than I first imagined.  And after John completes his install, it will require a service call from the dealer to install new software in the brain boxes to operate the new device.  When complete, it should help when unloading the combine directly into a truck.

The last step is for Devon the tech to load in the correct software…

Looks like it’s gonna work


More rain is predicted for tomorrow.  We will see what comes.  Hopefully, next week will allow us to return to #plant24 !

All the corn and soybean acres that have been planted are now emerging from the soil and beginning to turn the fields green.  It is so very satisfying to see those baby corn and soybean plants get going!

Soybeans are up and growing!

Baby corn getting started.

Pat and I went to Wheatland this morning to vote.  It was not super-busy and we saw several of our friends coming and going.  It was nice to just visit for a while. And the best part of today’s Indiana Primary Election?  No political TV ads tomorrow!