Plan B or C

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

For many things on the farm, we make plans only to have them changed by the weather or other circumstances.  The same was true for the return trip of our French guest, Yvertin Jaquet.  We took him to the airport in Evansville on Monday about noon, but the plane he was to take to Detroit to connect to Paris was grounded.  Even the luggage that was loaded was removed from the plane.  So, in the aftermath, the only option was to leave this morning, and route him through Atlanta.  Well, this morning we arrived at EVV for his flight to Atlanta.  That plane apparently struck a bird on its inbound route from ATL to EVV, and then the resulting inspection and approvals caused a 3-hour delay in Yvertin’s departure.  Finally, his plane took to the skies.  His normal relaxed manner became a bit tense today, and he was nervous and somewhat ticked off at Delta airlines.

But Yvertin will be arriving in Paris at 8am Wednesday morning (2am here), and he will be ready to begin his day.  We really enjoyed his visit, and we’re thankful he spent his month of June with us. His family and friends are eager for his return, and he begins an internship with an implement dealer on Thursday.  No grass will grow under his feet!

Field work?  Not sure when we can go back… it’s really muddy.  .2″ today, .8″ yesterday.