Puttin’ on gas

Thursday, March 31, 2022

We were able to use a window of opportunity yesterday afternoon to apply some anhydrous ammonia in a couple fields.  Rain stopped our operations at 640pm, but until that rain arrived, the gas was going on very well.  When the gas stays in the soil, and you don’t see any escaping wisps of white, you say that it is ‘sealing well’.   And that was exactly what happened yesterday.

It was good to get a little bit more NH3 applied for the corn acres.  We prefer to put the nitrogen on the fields pre-plant.   And any acres you can get across in March is kinda like a little bonus.  The .6″ (15mm) we received last evening has us stopped today.  We will see if and how much additional rain comes today, and that will tell us when we can return to the fields.

John is getting the 2510H applicator bar ‘tuned in’ for accurate application rates.

Bill pulled tanks for Brandon, bringing full tanks to the field and returning the empties to Nutrien.

The JD 9520R and the attached 2510H are working well in this field we call “the Pond”

Brandon is at the far end of the field at the Lett farm. This field is reclaimed land that was strip mined in the late 1970s. It is finally getting into a condition that is productive enough to support a corn crop.

The old adage about March — “in like a lion, out like a lamb” — is certainly true here this year.  However, it is the opposite:  it came in like a lamb, and now it’s going out like a lion!  It’s damp and downright cold today.  Yesterday, 75ºF, today 41ºF.   (24c and 5C).

Step by step, we are making headway on springtime work for #plant22.