Wash day

Thursday, January 26, 2017

I know it’s not a Monday, but today the pickup needed a clean-up.  The weather forecast is for chilly, but dry days ahead.  I took this opportunity to clean it up and get the road grime and salt off.  Should stay clean for several days.  At least I hope so.  Thanks, Brandon for helping me wipe it down after the wash.




…and after

A couple weeks ago, Brandon put in lots of time cleaning up the Peterbilt truck and its trailer.  Now, he’s using the Vanna  (white Mack) truck to haul out the corn…. just to keep Pete clean!  I get it…

We took the JD 9330 tractor to Alliance Tractor in Vincennes so that they could connect the new air drill to it, and check out how it will operate.   There are some new systems to learn on this air cart, with the powered conveyor positioning, and the section control.  We will need some hand-holding the first day we go to the field with it.  Once it’s home, we will install the spare tire and the camera on the back.  Then, it’ll be ready to go to the Huey place to go into storage until planting time comes, hopefully in early April.

Be here before you know it.