The wind returns

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The wind has returned, and it’s blowing like crazy out there.  John and Brandon are applying nitrogen down at the Holscher farm.  They finished Burke this morning, and will soon move to Downen.  After that, only Crook remains to require preplant nitrogen application.  If the predicted rain would hold off, they could get that done today.  But with sprinkles off and on, we cannot predict if they will get the nitrogen application done today.  We will use whatever opportunity the day gives us.

Brandon is in the MX 290 tractor with the DMI 15-knife application toolbar.  This is at the Downen farm.

Brandon is in the MX 290 tractor with the DMI 15-knife application toolbar. This is at the Downen farm.

Here, you can see both rigs working at the Downen farm, SE of Wheatland, Indiana

John operates the JD 9360R tractor with the JD 2510H applicator to put down nitrogen for the 2016 corn crop

The nitrogen is going in nicely, and “sealing” into the soil well. Today, this farm location (Downen) gives us pretty favorable soil conditions for this application task.


It goes without saying that spraying is impossible today.

On this screen capture from the phone, notice the wind speed… and there are gusts to 45 mph! (72km)


Monday night, it got down to about 28ºF (-2C).  With the temperatures like these, we are not excited about planting just yet.  There are more below-freezing nights predicted for the weekend.  There will be a time for planting when it warms up, and we’ll be ready!