Hollywood on the farm?

February 21, 2014

If you have been a follower of this website for very long, you may remember that we were hosts to Nebraska visitors last October and December.  Check the posts for October 17th and December 3rd.  Those visitors were media professionals from the Swanson-Russell Company in Omaha and Lincoln.  They were here filming and taking pictures for two entire days.  They used the materials they collected here to develop a video and certain other print and digital media.  Their media results were produced for the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC).  PERC will use these things for their training and promotion activities.

It certainly was an interesting time for us, quite out of the ordinary.  The three professionals that captured the video and other images were Ashley Rolf, Cameron Bayne, and Geoff Johnson.

Geoff, Cameron, and Ashley-- our new Nebraska friends

Geoff, Cameron, and Ashley– our new Nebraska friends

Ashley seemed to work as a ‘director’, and facilitated the question time during the video interviews.  Cameron was the sound specialist.  And Geoff took most of the video and still pictures.  He was quite acrobatic as he climbed around on the machines and trucks to capture images from a unique perspective.

They shared some of their pictures with us, and I’ll share them here.  Goeff was very particular about the photography.   He was specific about the timing of the images captured in the fields… he wanted the lighting to be perfect.  One of the cameras Geoff used was a GoPro  Hero 3+, which he fastened to the machines in unusual places and controlled through his iPhone.

Here are some of the still pictures they captured in October.

Great pictures, huh?

There is also a video that appears on the PERC website, and you can view it by clicking here.  You will see John and me being interviewed here in our shop, and there will be clips of video from the corn harvest fields.  Watch for a short segment of Dan Stangle, our propane supplier at Frank Stangle & Son.  He is performing a re-fill of our main propane tank.  You’ll see combines and trucks and the grain cart in action, as well as the grain dryer.

It is amazing to me that these professionals worked here for two full days, spent four days traveling back and forth, and countless hours in the editing studio.  Can you believe that all that work boils down to a 2-minute video?

Thank you, Ashley, Geoff, and Cameron for this great experience.  And thanks to Rachel Hrabik at Swanson-Russell back in Lincoln.  We hope you and PERC are pleased with the results.